My Writing Notes…

This notebook is my bible.  I will religiosity read and write in it.

Here is where I will add anything and everything I see, hear, and feel. Here is where I will get my creative juices flowing freely.
I will work to improve my writing skills. I will not judge or criticize what appears on these pages. I will believe in myself and in my ability to write well. So help me God.

March 21, 2010—
6:47 PM—

Started typing my old notes of — “A Thirst for Love”

March 22, 2010—
4:02 PM—

Wrote for approximately two hours today— Still entering old notes for “A Thirst for Love”— I want to expand on them {notes} see if I can build more from my original idea for this story.

March 24, 2010—
4:40 PM—

Still inputting notes for “A Thirst for Love.” I wanted to get more done today but didn’t. Maybe I’ll do some tonight before bed. I already know that will be a slim possibility I will be doing it.

March 25, 2010—
6:03 PM—

Finished entering old notes for—“A Thirst for Love” Entered the “Big Willy” scene I noticed it needs a lot of editing. I will be working on that soon. Tomorrow I will be working on Tessa’s Character Sketch, Wardrobe, and Back story.

March 30, 2010—
4:34 PM—

Reformatted my Character Sketch today. Will enter Tessa’s info tomorrow.

March 31, 2010—
4:13 PM—

I entered some of Tessa’s info today. Will try to finish it tomorrow but may not because it’s suppose to be a beautiful spring day.

May 29, 2010—
5:22 PM—

I have gotten off track with my writing. I want to start writing at least five days a week whether it is during the day or night. Today I setup a storyboard for —“A Thirst for Love” I also worked on inputting some research info referring to the prohibition era since that is the time setting for —“A Thirst for Love. I hope to work on it more tonight…we’ll see if everyday life gets in the way.

May 30, 2010—
2:20 AM—

Worked on my storyboard for —“A Thirst for Love” I wrote some notes in the storyboard and edited a little to what I already had to the scene. Would like to work on it more and copy some research info into computer.

July 27, 2010—
1:57 PM—

Worked on Storyboarding for a scene with Tessa and Big Willie

October 20, 2010—
3:42 PM—

Wrote some of chapter one of “A Thirst for Love” — since I know where the story is going for the first three chapters I thought writing it out should help with getting to know my main character better.

October 23, 2010—
6:21 PM—

Wrote some and did a little research online for “A Thirst for Love” — Worked for about three hours

October 28, 2010—
3:17 PM—

Formatted, edited and wrote a little (very little) on “A Thirst for Love”—

October 29, 2010—
5:07 PM—

Worked on formatting the manuscript for “A Thirst for Love”—wrote some too, I think I’m finally finding my words!

October 30, 2010—
5:33 PM—

Worked for approximately two hours writing “A Thirst for Love”— slowly moving along—starting page four and word count at 738 —yea
November 1, 2010—
2:20 PM—

Still working on “A Thirst for Love” manuscript — I’m hoping to work on it a little more sometime later in the day.

Not doing NaNo but will try to write something everyday in the month of November.

November 5, 2010—
3:48 PM—

Finished chapter one of “A Thirst of Love”— I’m sure I will be editing it over and over again but right now I’m satisfied —until tomorrow!

November 8, 2010—
3:06 PM—

Edited chapter one. Will work on the relationship between Tessa and her mother and work on Tessa’s character Sketch. Try to get chapter two started.

November 19, 2010—
3:27 PM—

Started chapter two the other day but didn’t write it in my notebook until today.
Today I worked on editing what I already wrote the other day and continued writing chapter two. I haven’t worked on Tessa’s character’s sketch because she’s letting the words flow today!

Thank you, Tessa!

November 18, 2010—
3: 30 P.M.—

Deepened description to South station…

November 29, 2010—
4: 15 P.M.—

Entered everyday terms of the 1920s for research for Tessa's story, from the book "Everyday Life from Prohibition through World War II."

December 1, 2010—
4: 44 P.M.—

Wrote some of the manuscript for "A Thirst for Love"—I am using Dragon dictate hoping that I can write faster with it. Time will tell I haven't used it in quite a while. So I'm still getting used to it.

December 22, 2010—
4:30 PM—

Worked on outlining the scenes for "A Thirst for Love"—I found an article in Writers Digest on different styles of outlines. There was one that I liked the most. It was called signpost outline so I worked on that.

January 9, 2011—
4:15 PM—

Worked on mapping out a scene in chapter two for “A Thirst for Love”— skimmed through two of my writing reference books to get a better idea of how to get the scene on paper.

January 11, 2011—
3:30 PM—

Worked on chapter two on “A Thirst for Love”— editing some paragraphs and wrote some…

January 22, 2011—
5:47 PM—

Wrote a little today…may write later tonight. Mad at self for procrastinating for so long. In my own defense, I was having trouble seeing what was happening to her and couldn’t get it on the page. Now I can see what’s happening!
January 23, 2011—
5:05 PM—

I didn’t write last night. However, I wrote a scene in the manuscript today it seemed to flow I wish that could happen everyday. Actually, I’m in the middle of the scene but the part I wrote today seemed to flow well. I wasn’t looking at the page with a blank stare like I usually do!

January 25, 2011—
4:00 PM—

Edited what I wrote Sunday and wrote a little more today. I didn’t do as much as I planned but at least I did something today!

February 1, 2011—
4:00 PM—

Worked on my writing time sheet — also wrote

February 2, 2011—
4:18 PM—

Worked on the manuscript for “A Thirst for Love”— some editing and continuing the scene I’m on in chapter two— also, searched for descriptive words in Word Menu Software. ™

February 8, 2011—
5:09 PM—

I edited what I wrote on February 2—

February 13, 2011—
4:33 PM—

Edited page 7— of “A Thirst for Love” manuscript— for at least the fifth time— there is a lot going on, on that page and I’m trying to get the words right!

February 20, 2011—
5:36 PM—

Edited and wrote finally moving Tessa along—

February 22, 2011—
4:00 PM—

Edited a tiny bit —wrote a little over an hour on the manuscript

February 24, 2011—
3:54 PM—

Edited and wrote …

February 25, 2011—
4:10 PM—

Wrote the manuscript —moving forward slowly

February 26, 2011—
6:04 PM—

Read both chapters of the manuscript and continued writing chapter two.

March 10, 2011—
4:27 PM—

Wrote a good paragraph in the manuscript moving Tessa along and forward…

March 14, 2011—
3:30 PM—

Wrote and edited the manuscript—

March 20, 2011—
5:52 PM—

Worked on the outline for “A Thirst for Love”— formatted it to fit on 5x8 index cards

March 22, 2011—
4:20 PM—

Worked on the outline — and wrote a little on the manuscript

March 31, 2011—
3:17 PM—

Added more description to the opening page to “A Thirst for Love”— need to work on the description a little more to chapter one

November 29, 2012
4:50 PM

Made a “Delete File” for my “writing”...edited “A Thirst for Love.” Plan to work on Tessa's story. Need to stop procrastinating and get down to work.

My Writing Notes
Dear Diary

August 31, 2013—
12:40 AM—

Started working on Dear Dairy—a few weeks ago. Tonight I wrote some description of Cash. {Main Antagonist}

Things To Do—

Deepen the description of Cash
Work on tightening prose
Try to work in description of Jessie

August 31, 2013—
5:05 PM—

      I deepened Cash's description {At least I think I did, critique time will tell}  Somehow I need to describe Jessie!

September 15,2013
5:00 PM

Started making a mind map for Dear Diary— I will  building everything in my head into a map for this story.   Hopefully adding every day.  Tomorrow hope to work on editing the critiques everyone gave me Monday.