31 March 2011

“Not” Working The Novel…

So, the title of this post says it all. This past week I haven’t been working the novel which kind of frustrates me.  Life, procrastination not sure which is getting in the way of my writing.  All I can say to myself is… “Don’t beat yourself up about it!  Keep moving forward!  Hopefully next week will be very productive!”

Let’s hope so…

March 14, 2011—

3:30 PM—

Wrote and edited the manuscript—

March 20, 2011—

5:52 PM—

Worked on the outline for “A Thirst for Love”— formatted it to fit on 5x8 index cards

March 22, 2011—

4:20 PM—

Worked on the outline — and wrote a little on the manuscript

March 31, 2011—

3:17 PM—

Added more description to the opening page to “A Thirst for Love”— need to work on the description a little more to chapter one

23 March 2011

My Writing Time Sheet…

You can make this with a simple table and you can add or subtract whatever fits into your writing or how you work when you write.  I have a table that consists of… day andWriting Sheet 2 date, the time I start writing, the time I stop writing, than the total number of hours I wrote, and lastly notes I may want to write down.
Whatever you need to keep you writing!  I may change it up as my writing evolves.  Hope this idea helps in your writing journey like it has mine.

13 March 2011

Finally, Moving Forward…

I’m finally moving Tessa forward.  I got the section that was giving me so much trouble to a point where I was able to advance Tessa’s story.

However, I’m not thrilled with the amount of time I’m spending writing.  I would like to spend more time writing but it seems everyday life is getting in my way!  What do I do about this problem?  Anyone out there have any ideas or suggestions I could use?  Let me know in comments.  I made a Writer’s Timesheet Template which is helping somewhat but not as much as I would like it to.  I will post what the Timesheet looks like soon.

One of my writing distractions is my cat.  Moe is very intelligent and if he’s not sleeping  he sits behind me in the kitchen either staring at me or meowing, sometimes doing both.  Like he’s doing right now!  Not to mention, pulling down my dish towel onto the floor and then proceeding to sit on it, then he starts his routine of staring and meowing.  He needs to be comfortable after all!  If I ignore him he gets louder!  He doesn’t take no for an answer he wants attention at that moment!  Just a minute ago, I had to stop writing this to give him attention so he would stop meowing and so I could finish this post!  

February 20, 2011—

5:36 PM—

Edited and wrote finally moving Tessa along—


February 22, 2011—

4:00 PM—

Edited a tiny bit —wrote a little over an hour on the manuscript


February 24, 2011—

3:54 PM—

Edited and wrote …


February 25, 2011—

4:10 PM—

Wrote the manuscript —moving forward slowly


February 26, 2011—

6:04 PM—

Read both chapters of the manuscript and continued writing chapter two.


March 10, 2011—

4:27 PM—

Wrote a good paragraph in the manuscript moving Tessa along and forward…