I was thumbing through my Poets & Writers Magazine I saw this ad for a writing software. I went to their website My Story Writer and I was more interested in their link list for writers than their software.
Websites for Writers website has four pages full of website's for writers. Here are just a few that caught my eye.
- Write to Done - Blog from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits fame: “That’s what Write To Done is about, at its core: the craft and the art of writing. But from that core we’ll be covering many topics: journalism, blog writing, freelance writing, fiction, non-fiction, getting a book deal, the business of writing, the habit of writing.
- Autocrit - The AutoCrit Editing Wizard automatically analyzes your manuscript, checking it for a wide collection of writing errors and weaknesses. The Editing Wizard finds:
- Overused Words & Phrases
- Repeated Words & Phrases
- Slow Pacing
- Dull Sentence Structure
- Cliche's & Redundancies
- Incorrect Homonyms
- Incorrect Readability Levels
- Overused Dialogue Tags
- Procrastinating Writers - Procrastinating Writers offers advice, motivation and inspiration to help creative writers overcome procrastination and complete the writing projects they've been putting off.
- Word Hustler - WordHustler is the first and only website to take care of the whole process of submitting work to literary markets. Our free database features 4,000+ agents, publishers, contests, and publications. Our over 5,000 clients use WordHustler to send and track their physical submissions, which saves them time so they can do what they’re supposed to be doing: WRITING. Our goal is to make the submission process easier and more organized for writers AND the markets who receive their work. In fact, Bnet.com called us “The Match.com for the publishing industry.”
Note: Description of websites were snagged from Websites for Writers
1 comment:
For a blog named 'Websites for Writers' I would have thought one of the fundamental design choices would have been a clear font. That way the public could read about all the interesting things I have to say.
But no. You have chosen a font so rediculously unreadable it will most likely give me a headache to decipher.
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