16 April 2005

Practicing My Descriptive Writing Technique

His name is David. Wearing a baseball cap backwards with his portable CD headphones over it. Unable to see the color of his eyes behind his sunglasses, knowing they had to be brown. His olive skin that wasn't beneath his baggy t-shirt gave the sense that they were brown. By looking at him, his national origin was Latino but it was hard to distinguish offhand that he was from a Mexican descent without him divulging that tidbit of information.


To anyone reading this, I have a few questions:

  1. How did I do on my description of David?

  2. Was it good/bad or just okay?

  3. Did you get a picture of how David might look in your head?

  4. Do you think I need to work harder on my descriptive writing?

Please if you have an opinion let me hear it. I need creative criticism it will help me a great deal. Leaving me your comments is very much appreciated and I thank you.

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