31 March 2011

“Not” Working The Novel…

So, the title of this post says it all. This past week I haven’t been working the novel which kind of frustrates me.  Life, procrastination not sure which is getting in the way of my writing.  All I can say to myself is… “Don’t beat yourself up about it!  Keep moving forward!  Hopefully next week will be very productive!”

Let’s hope so…

March 14, 2011—

3:30 PM—

Wrote and edited the manuscript—

March 20, 2011—

5:52 PM—

Worked on the outline for “A Thirst for Love”— formatted it to fit on 5x8 index cards

March 22, 2011—

4:20 PM—

Worked on the outline — and wrote a little on the manuscript

March 31, 2011—

3:17 PM—

Added more description to the opening page to “A Thirst for Love”— need to work on the description a little more to chapter one

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