11 January 2011

Back To Work…

With the holidays over, and the issues I needed to address during the holidays have been taken care of I can get back to work.  Since it's winter in Massachusetts I have at least two months to work on my novel,  most likely three months because April isn't all that “Springy” as far as springtime weather is concerned.  Most of the time springtime doesn’t start until May in Massachusetts.  Tonight, we will have at least 12 inches  of snow maybe more dumped on us.  So I won't be going anywhere anytime soon so I won't have any excuses not to write.

As you can see, I have started writing in the last couple of days.  Hopefully I can get back into rhythm and not get any “life” distractions to derail my productively or progress to getting my novel written in 2011. 

By the way…Happy New Year everyone!

January 9, 2011—

4:15 PM—

Worked on mapping out a scene in chapter two for “A Thirst for Love”— skimmed through two of my writing reference books to get a better idea of how to get the scene on paper.

January 11, 2011—

3:30 PM—

Worked on chapter two on “A Thirst for Love”— editing some paragraphs and wrote some…

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