Why is it a bitch? Procrastination is very easy to do! If you don’t feel like doing anything you’re not being lazy you’re procrastinating about doing something. If you are doing something other than what you’re suppose to be doing you’re procrastinating what needs to get done. So yes, it’s very easy to do! I did it everyday last week! I did a lot last week…slept late, changed my cable plan, played Moh Jong and lost too many times to count. That’s is just a few things I did, the one thing I should have been doing everyday I didn’t do, and that was write!
If you read below you’ll know why I was procrastinating. Hopefully I know where I’ll be going and won’t procrastinate getting myself there.
January 22, 2011—
5:47 PM—
Wrote a little today…may write later tonight. Mad at self for procrastinating for so long. In my own defense, I was having trouble seeing what was happening to her and couldn’t get it on the page. Now I can see what’s happening!
January 23, 2011—
5:05 PM—
I didn’t write last night. However, I wrote a scene in the manuscript today it seemed to flow I wish that could happen everyday. Actually, I’m in the middle of the scene but the part I wrote today seemed to flow well. I wasn’t looking at the page with a blank stare like I usually do!
January 25, 2011—
4:00 PM—
Edited what I wrote Sunday and wrote a little more today. I didn’t do as much as I planned to but at least I did something today!