09 August 2005

Farewell QAF

The sun has set in Pittsburgh. The gang is moving on...

Here's hoping Justin has Brian's heart forever!

Let's hope Emmett's flame burns long and brilliant! And gets the quarterback sneak!

Here's to Michael and Ben may their marriage becomes a Constitutional Right! Same goes for Mel and Lindsey!

As for Ted, love yourself first then fall in love!

Last but not least Debbie, stay as colorful as the gay flag just like you've always been!

Farewell QAF your fans will miss you! Here's hoping you all come back for a visit soon!

17 July 2005


If someone writes an article and the editor edits that article so much, is that person still the author of that article?

14 July 2005

I'm Innocent, Really!

Hello, let me introduce myself my name is Moka (Mocha). My mom almost named me Coco but she thought better of it and decided on Moka. She also decided to spell it in a masculine way because it looked too feminine, lucky for me! I'm all male! For short she calls me Moe. You can call me Moe too if you want.

Now, I have to ask, is it so bad if I climb the widow screen all the way to the top and just hang out there for awhile? My mom calls it "doing a Garfield" who is this Garfield anyway? Is it so wrong that I sit in the tub waiting for her to turn on the water so I can take my shower? And why should I have to drink out of my water bowl when I can easily drink from the faucet and the toilet bowl! My mom also feels that shredding the roll of toilet paper is bad, I don't know, I just don't see what's wrong with that! I've tried to help her clean too but she seems to get annoyed with me when I knock everything off the coffee table, desk, kitchen counter etc. etc., to the floor what am I doing wrong. Doesn't everything belong on the floor? Can someone clue me in here?

Oh no, here she comes, I have to sign off before she catches me using her computer! Somehow I'm getting the feeling I'm being a bad boy. I'll try to visit as much as I can and tell you what I've been up to.

"Moe, where are you?"

Oh, she's calling me gotta go!

Chow Meow

27 May 2005

To Repeat or Not Repeat


You’re not here anymore
You’re not here when I wake-up in the morning
You’re not here when I go to sleep at night
You’re not here to talk to, about my day, about my life
I loved you with all my heart but you tore it apart
You said good-by and I don’t know why
And all I’m left with is bittersweet memories of a time gone-by

I wrote this poem several years ago. I showed it to a few people and some have suggested that I not repeat so much (the first three words in the first four lines.) I seem to like it the way it is because that is the way it came out of me. Here's what it looks like without repeating those three words.


You’re not here anymore
when I wake-up in the morning
when I go to sleep at night
to talk to, about my day, about my life
I loved you with all my heart but you tore it apart
You said good-by and I don’t know why
And all I’m left with is bittersweet memories of a time gone-by

So, what's the verdit? Repeat or not repeat that is the question. I do have to confess, now that I see it on the page I like it that way also. What's your opinion?

23 May 2005

A Blank Page

When a page is blank it has so much potential. The world is yours to create. Creativity on the page is as strong as your imagination. Imagination can paint the brightest star in the midnight sky, the best-brewed cup of coffee your taste buds have ever had the pleaser of tasting. Pictures that you create in your mind can be so vivid they can jump off of the page. You can be thought provoking, have an affair without leaving your chair; become a voyeur in the life you have created. Watch as the story unfolds and dances in front of your eyes, so real you want to reach out. Worlds that you create and the people in them can have it all, lose it all, do it all, the possibilities are endless. All you need is your imagination a keyboard or pen/pencil and a blank page.

16 April 2005

Practicing My Descriptive Writing Technique

His name is David. Wearing a baseball cap backwards with his portable CD headphones over it. Unable to see the color of his eyes behind his sunglasses, knowing they had to be brown. His olive skin that wasn't beneath his baggy t-shirt gave the sense that they were brown. By looking at him, his national origin was Latino but it was hard to distinguish offhand that he was from a Mexican descent without him divulging that tidbit of information.


To anyone reading this, I have a few questions:

  1. How did I do on my description of David?

  2. Was it good/bad or just okay?

  3. Did you get a picture of how David might look in your head?

  4. Do you think I need to work harder on my descriptive writing?

Please if you have an opinion let me hear it. I need creative criticism it will help me a great deal. Leaving me your comments is very much appreciated and I thank you.

02 April 2005

Are you Listening?

Best friends are supposed to be forever.
A best friend is supposed to understand when not everyone else does.

Love from a best friend is unconditional and unbreakable.

Could You Just Listen

When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving me advice, you have not done what I’ve asked.

When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me and you have to do something to solve my problems, you have ailed me, strange as that might seem.

Listen--all I asked was that you listen, not talk or do-- just hear me.

Advice is cheep; twenty cents will get you both Dear Abby and Bill Graham in the same paper.

I can do for myself, I’m not helpless--maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless.

When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you contribute to my fear and inadequacy.

But when you accept as a simple fact that I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational, then I can quit trying to convince you and get about this business of understanding what’s behind this irrational feeling.

When that’s clear, the answers are obvious and I don’t need advice.

Irrational feelings construct more sense when we understand what’s behind them.

Perhaps that’s why prayer works, sometimes, for some people--because God is mute, and he/she doesn’t give advice or try to fix things.

“They” just listen and let you work it out for yourself.

And if you want to talk, wait a minute for your turn--and I’ll listen to you.

—Anonymous —

26 March 2005

When to Let Go...

Recently a friend of mine died. It was unexpected and sudden, I still can't believe he's gone. The doctors did as much as they could for him. He came to a point in all the frantic attempts to save his life, when he said to his brother, "Enough, I've had enough." He was saying to his brother he wanted to die. Two days later he did. My point is, he knew when to let go.

Personally I don't feel that Terri Schiavo's parents know how to let go. My problem with the whole right to life issue is this...Terri is breathing and that's all she is doing. Her quality of life is gone. Right now, she is a trapped soul that needs to be set free.

Who are "we" as a society to say Terri has to live for another forty years or so in the state she is in now? Plan and simple, "we" do not have that right it's a private decision made between Terri and her immediate family. These individuals who feel that Terri's husband is murdering her is way off base. What Terri's husband is doing is carrying out her last wish -- he's trying to let her go as she states to her family in this

Please everyone let Terri go...home.