31 October 2010

Working It Out…

I was able to put some words together into some sentences and write a little.  Tessa {my main character} is showing me her story.  However, she is showing me in bits and pieces which is why I seem to be moving in slow motion and can’t write a whole scene in a single writing session.  I’m lucky if I get three or four sentences together that is why I’ve been working on formatting the manuscript and research.

That’s okay Tessa take your time, I got all the time in the world.

October 29, 2010—

5:07 PM—

Worked on formatting the manuscript for “A Thirst for Love”—wrote some too, I think I’m finally finding my words!


October 30, 2010—

5:33 PM—

Worked for approximately two hours writing “A Thirst for Love”— slowly moving along—starting page four and word count at 738 —yea

29 October 2010

Slow Progress…

I’m not happy with the progress of my writing.  I sit in front of my computer and it is just not flowing out of me (which it should be flowing out of me) and that is frustrating me.  I’m having a problem getting my words on the page.  I know what is going to happen in the story for at least three chapters but expressing what is happening seems to be very difficult to convey on the page for me.  

“They” (published authors) say don’t worry about editing or punctuation just write what comes to mind.  I have trouble “just writing” it’s very hard for me to do.  I have to punctuate and capitalize my sentences it doesn’t feel right if I don’t.  I even have to capitalize and punctuate when I text or IM my friends.  It’s the critic in me that won’t allow me to “just write”.  I need to teach myself to let go of Ms. Perfect because she does not exist no matter how much I want her to or think she does.

Tomorrow’s another day. 


October 28, 2010—

3:17 PM—

Formatted, edited and wrote a little (very little) on “A Thirst for Love”—

23 October 2010

Writing Goals…

I know I should have more entries in my writing journal than just two since I changed the topic of this blog.  It takes time to form a habit and that’s what I’m trying to do.  Hopefully I will be posting the progress of my novel at least once a week or maybe once a day if I can get myself on a daily schedule.  Stay tuned.

 October 20, 2010—

3:42 PM—

Wrote some of chapter one of “A Thirst for Love” — since I know where the story is going for the first three chapters I thought writing it out should help with getting to know my main character better.

October 23, 2010—

6:21 PM—

Wrote some and did a little research online for “A Thirst for Love” — Worked for about three hours.

19 October 2010

Change Is Good…

I think this blog needs a face lift.  It’s old and tired and I need to change things up.  So this blog is no longer about current events, sports, multi media or meaningless shit found on the internet. This blog will be my journey trying to put pen to paper. My thoughts, ideas, things I may find helpful and the notes to the stories I have in my head. This blog will be my writing journal of sorts. By doing this, I may get into a rhythm with my writing habits which may turn into writing an actual novel.

On the days I write, I will write something like this on the blog:

March 25, 2010—

6:03 PM—

Finished entering old notes for—“A Thirst for Love” Entered the “Big Willy” scene I noticed it needs a lot of editing. I will work on that soon. Tomorrow I will work on Tessa’s Character Sketch, Wardrobe, and Back story.

I may post about some of my many writing referencing books that I may be using or reading. I may want some opinions on what I’m writing.  Hopefully someone will have an opinion and will give it to me honestly.

A friend of mine has read some of what I have written, she seems to think I’m good.  For me, the jury is still out looking for proof because there is no consistency to my writing habits.  Nor am I organized sufficiently to be putting a three to four hundred page novel together.  I’m hoping changing this blog will help me get to where I want to be…a career as a published author.